It’s time for people who have experienced and/or are working in the homelessness, social care, mental health, and criminal justice systems across the UK to have a conversation.

The power of the Wisdoms is that there is a collective and inclusive voice (not the loudest or most powerful) which is heard and acted upon


Wisdom from the System is a brave space to discuss, share, and reflect on your experiences of systems, whether that’s homelessness, social care, mental health, or criminal justice. Although the online group conversations have now taken place across the UK, people are encouraged to continue these conversations, speaking freely and honestly.

While those who took part in the original conversations and the team behind the Wisdoms digest and prepare to share the key themes of what was said, you can still contribute via the form below or on social media using #SystemWisdom. The aim of Wisdom from the System is to create a powerful account of people’s raw and honest experiences of systems in the UK. 

It is hoped that this can then be used to inform positive and sustainable change. Wisdom form the System is facilitated by Mayday Trust, Platfform, Homeless Network Scotland, and Changing Lives, but is 100% led by you and what you would like to share.

"It's not me, it's the system!"


Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters

"I want to empower people, not fix them"

What is your experience of being in and/or working in the homelessness, social care, mental health, and criminal justice systems across the UK?

submit your wisdom online

Share your experience of being in and/or working in the homelessness, social care, mental health, and criminal justice systems across the UK?

    Keep me updated with Wisdom from the System

    By clicking submit you are giving your permission for your experience to be used in the publication of Wisdom from the System and shared with others. At no point will your identity or any sensitive information be made public.

    Facilitated by